In recent years, GCS has been delivering Study Skills Workshops to our Senior Cycle Students. Our 6th Year cohort participated in this academic initiative before Christmas. Led by Ms. O’ Donoghue, the theme of these 6th Year workshops was: “Personalising Progress on Your LC Journey”.

The main goal of these workshops is to enable students to identify gaps in their learning, set specific targets for their subjects and begin making concise/organised revision notes, and individual study schedules. Students are guided in personalising their own progress in their respective subjects, and in identifying ways to enable them to have better ownership of their own study/subject demands.

In line with cultivating a culture of student-autonomy in GCS, the Study Skills workshops were delivered to 5th Years by Ms. Sheehan in November. Students were mentored and guided in how to reflect on their own learning, implement a study timetable, use of graphic organisers and subject specific study strategies. The 5th and 6th Year students who engaged with these workshops must be commended for being an excellent audience.

One of the key revision tools shared with all of 5th and 6th year students during these workshops is the ‘Learning to Learn’ Study Skills Booklet. This booklet continues to be unique to GCS and was created entirely by Senior Cycle subject teachers who condensed their respective subjects into manageable timeframes and provided individual exam tips and strategies. This booklet has been shared with 5th & 6th Year students, in both soft and hard copy and is an invaluable revision tool for this cohort in the lead up to their Mock Exams this term, and their State Exams in June. We look forward to guiding and supporting all of our Senior Cycle Students on their learning to learn journey and wish them all every success in their upcoming Mock exams.